Icon Communications
  • 27 + Years in
    Rural Communication
    for low-literate & rural audience
  • 360° Solutions for
    Knowledge Management
    for Rural Development
  • 360° Solutions for
    Knowledge Management
    for Rural Development

We are Rural Development & Communication Agency

We are a consortium of media and development professionals working as a National Consultancy Agency for over 27 years. The professionals associated with us have experience in Designing, Developing and Implementing Development Projects both for Public and Private sector.

We produce Documentaries & Ad spots, provide Research & Software Solutions, develop Communication & Knowledge Management Strategy and Design & Develop IEC materials. We are publishing an innovative tools of rural communication in shape of wall newspaper, "Pratibadh" which is reaching a large number of rural audience though net-work of milk cooperative. This media to reach rural has been recognised by World Bank supported BIF-II and worn “Manthan” Award for its innovations.

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Why Us

27+ years in service

Working in rural, development and dairy sector for over 27 years as a development communication agency.


Piloted and Established knowledge management system for the farmers in physical space in shape of wall newspaper, "Pratibadh". Running successfully for over 20 years.

Samwad Sutra

Established two-way channel of communication for inputs on rural communication, rural research, rural market and rural events from rural area- "Samwad Sutra". Established two-way channel of communication for inputs on rural communication and rural research from rural area- "Samwad Sutra".

50+ Documentaries made

Over 50 documentaries/ AV and training films for development sector.

What we offer

We are providing communication and programmatic solutions to different organizations in order to support their development and promotional activities, primarily for low-literate and rural audience.


We are consulting various development projects of Government, World Bank funded Projects and bi-lateral and multi-lateral organisation on issues of development communication, social media management, knowledge management, advocacy, IEC & BCC initiatives research & evaluation.

social Media

For brands looking to forge deeper connections with their customers, we ensure that a brand's key message is effectively communicated through relevant social media platforms. We provide strategy, content management, design and cross social media platform promotion solutions to our clients.

Software Solutions

We are developing & designing and implementing software solution for clients in India and in US for commercial and development initiatives.

Print Media

To reach to a large captive audience in rural area we conceptualise and implement a fortnightly wall newspaper to be pasted on walls of milk collection centres of collective reading. The idea sustained for over 20 years and is piggy backed by development organisations who wishes to reach rural audience with development interventions.

Electronic Media

We have been in space of production of development programme since 1991 with 1st assignment coming from WHO funded spot on HIV/AIDS and Oral Cancer. Since then produced over 50 films, documentaries, training films and spots for Government, bi-lateral and multi-lateral organisations; like Doordarshan, NFDC, Unicef, ILO, World Bank supported projects etc.

Knowledge Management

With knowledge being generated at very fast pace, collecting them, packaging them and then compiling them to make it accessible to all stakeholders and to the widest possible audience with and ease is one of the challenges. While compiling it for our rural newspaper for over 20 years we have one of the largest knowledge bank in the development sector.

research & Evaluation

We strongly believe that for any strategy to work it has to be based on scientific evidences collected through participatory methods. We have designed and developed formative researches using innovative participatory qualitative and quantitative tools to develop a dependable research findings.


We strongly believe that no communication is complete, if it is not two-way and till it is perused to reach to its logical conclusion. Understanding this quite early we have built a net-work of Rural Reporters to engage with our rural audience to take all our rural initiatives to logical conclusion.


We specialise in develops innovative training methodology for training of resource persons and Water trivets support develop ruralised at the grass roots , including rural communication, rural research, rural works and rural events

Our Clients

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